Particle Systems

A particle system that uses an attractor force that pulls particles to a respective position in space. These positions were based on vertex positions from an obj file.

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Hatching Shader

This is a shader implementation of Real-Time Hatching, Praun et al. [2001]. The scene contains a real-time rendering of hatching strokes over various objects. They use tonal art maps containing different stroke sizes and density at various resolutions. Using these tonal art maps, we can render strokes on complex surfaces.

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Ray Tracer

Ray tracer scene containing a sphere and a triangle. Implemented simple phong lighting (ambient, diffuse, specular model) and also casts shadows.

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Procedurally Generated Terrain

The ground is procedurally generated using a random midpoint method and smoothed using a neighborhood smoothing filter. The trees were generated by different procedural rules. The scene uses OpenGL material and lighting.

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