The ground is procedurally generated using a random midpoint method and smoothed using a neighborhood smoothing filter. The trees were generated by different procedural rules. The scene uses OpenGL material and lighting.
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Shadow Map
The scene is filled with 3D objects featuring ambient and diffuse lighting. The objects cast shadows on each other based on the light using shadow maps. The user may move the light source around.
Isosurface Computation and Display
The purpose for this project was to visualize interactively isosurfaces of a 3D dataset for three levels of resolution. Using the provided datasets, I extracted and rendered an isosurface. I also added two user interface components that allow a user to change the isovalue of the isosurface and level of resolution of the dataset.
Ray Tracer
Ray tracer scene containing a sphere and a triangle. Implemented simple phong lighting (ambient, diffuse, specular model) and also casts shadows.