Shadow Map

The scene is filled with 3D objects featuring ambient and diffuse lighting. The objects cast shadows on each other based on the light using shadow maps. The user may move the light source around.

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Procedural Textures

The terrain was created using the same method as the “Procedurally Generated Terrain” project. The procedural texture is based on a noise algorithm. The trees are a texture-mapped image of a tree onto a rectangle. The alpha channels of the tree are transparent. The trees have billboarding apply so that the tree rectangles turn to […]

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Shadow Algorithms

The scene contains a 4-sided room that are light-colored blue. Within this scene are various objects included a texture-mapped sphere and several stacked objects. There are 3 different shadow algorithms being used: projective shadows, shadow volumes, and shadow maps. Projective shadows from objects will only cast shadows on the floor and room, but not on […]

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Created using the Unity Game Engine for the company Sandboxr. I was hired as a Graduate Research Assistant to help the company create its application. The founders wanted an application that would allow them to import 3D objects that they would then arrange in 3D space. Password: sandboxr

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