Texture mapped a 4-sided room such that one wall has front-side culling applied. The floor is texture mapped using a checkerboard image and also feature mip mapping. The walls of the room are a repeated brick texture. There is a floating sphere in the center of the room texture mapped with the image of the earth. There is a control feature which “dissolves” the earth image into an image of my face. The “dissolve” is controlled using a set of interface controls which starts/stops/resets and varies the speed of the dissolve. Also included is a lightmap with multi-texturing for the floor. The lightmap only lights a small spot on the floor and acts like a “flashlight”. The interface controls also provides 4 main modes of texturing: modulate, replace, blend, and decal which is applied to the earth texture. Lastly, there is a reflective or environment mapped sphere in the scene which was created using a cube map.
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Ray Tracer
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