Texture Mapping

Texture mapped a 4-sided room such that one wall has front-side culling applied. The floor is texture mapped using a checkerboard image and also feature mip mapping. The walls of the room are a repeated brick texture. There is a floating sphere in the center of the room texture mapped with the image of the earth. There is a control feature which “dissolves” the earth image into an image of my face. The “dissolve” is controlled using a set of interface controls which starts/stops/resets and varies the speed of the dissolve. Also included is a lightmap with multi-texturing for the floor. The lightmap only lights a small spot on the floor and acts like a “flashlight”. The interface controls also provides 4 main modes of texturing: modulate, replace, blend, and decal which is applied to the earth texture. Lastly, there is a reflective or environment mapped sphere in the scene which was created using a cube map.

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Procedural Textures

The terrain was created using the same method as the “Procedurally Generated Terrain” project. The procedural texture is based on a noise algorithm. The trees are a texture-mapped image of a tree onto a rectangle. The alpha channels of the tree are transparent. The trees have billboarding apply so that the tree rectangles turn to […]

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Shadow Map

The scene is filled with 3D objects featuring ambient and diffuse lighting. The objects cast shadows on each other based on the light using shadow maps. The user may move the light source around.

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Phong Shading, Garoud Shading

The scene is a 4-sided room containing a polished gold metallic sphere, polished copper metallic teapot, and polished silver metallic torus. I created an interface control which allows switching between vertex Gouraud shading and per-pixel Phong shading.

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