A deformable bodies simulator based on a standard non-linear strain finite element simulation as in O’Brien et al. [1999]. This approach required incredibly small time steps.
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Hatching Shader
This is a shader implementation of Real-Time Hatching, Praun et al. [2001]. The scene contains a real-time rendering of hatching strokes over various objects. They use tonal art maps containing different stroke sizes and density at various resolutions. Using these tonal art maps, we can render strokes on complex surfaces.
Texture Mapping
Texture mapped a 4-sided room such that one wall has front-side culling applied. The floor is texture mapped using a checkerboard image and also feature mip mapping. The walls of the room are a repeated brick texture. There is a floating sphere in the center of the room texture mapped with the image of the […]
Procedural Textures
The terrain was created using the same method as the “Procedurally Generated Terrain” project. The procedural texture is based on a noise algorithm. The trees are a texture-mapped image of a tree onto a rectangle. The alpha channels of the tree are transparent. The trees have billboarding apply so that the tree rectangles turn to […]