2D Contouring and Color Maps

The purpose of this project was to visualize how Mount St. Helens was changed by the eruption of 5/18/80. I used Historic Digital Elevation Models (DEM) from the United States Geological Survey website. The terrains have a color map to show the elevations and also has 2D contours at proper elevations to highlight distinct heights. The terrains were drawn side by side for comparison purposes.

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Texture Mapping

Texture mapped a 4-sided room such that one wall has front-side culling applied. The floor is texture mapped using a checkerboard image and also feature mip mapping. The walls of the room are a repeated brick texture. There is a floating sphere in the center of the room texture mapped with the image of the […]

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Ray Tracer

Ray tracer scene containing a sphere and a triangle. Implemented simple phong lighting (ambient, diffuse, specular model) and also casts shadows.

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Shadow Map

The scene is filled with 3D objects featuring ambient and diffuse lighting. The objects cast shadows on each other based on the light using shadow maps. The user may move the light source around.

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